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Bonjour ma prof de anglais ma donner une question et faut que je réponde en anglais .
Voici la question :Quelle et la signification du mot avatar. Pas un avatar u film.

Sagot :

In the Hindu religion, incarnation of a god, metamorphoses, change generally in evil
The term avatar originated in India, where it means "descent" and refers to the incarnations (in the form of animals, humans, etc..) Of a Hindu god, divine descents on earth to restore dharma, save worlds of cosmic disorder caused by the enemies of the gods (demons) generally avatars, or incarnations, are those of the god Vishnu, son of the goddess Ahimsa and Dharma1 god but is also found in popular and classical mythology the god Shiva or Brahma, and others, down among terrestrial creatures. Since the late nineteenth century, avatar is also used figuratively.