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Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'aide. J'aimerais que quelqu'un me traduisent ce texte en anglais. Les mots déjà traduit sont deux que je sais traduire. 

Mardi 19 janvier, les élèves du lycée Sainte-Marie, ont pu mettre en pratique l’évacuation d’urgence du bâtiment car un feu s’est déclenché à l’infirmerie. Les flammes furent maîtrisées assez rapidement, cependant les pompiers annoncèrent le décès d’un camarade de seconde, Jeff, visiblement blessé avant l’incendie. Les enquêteurs appelés sur place scrutèrent la scène : ils retrouvèrent un tournevis intact avec plusieurs empreintes et une carte d’identité endommagée.
Kévin, camarade proche de Jeff, décida de mener l’enquête de son côté. Il connaissait déjà des personnes de leur classe susceptibles d’en vouloir à Jeff. En premier, Sonia vivait très mal sa rupture avec la victime. Deuxièmement, il y avait aussi Alexandre, dont Jeff se moquait continuellement car Sonia l’avait quitté pour lui. Il interrogea donc Sonia et Alexandre afin de vérifier leur propos et leurs alibis : Jimmy avoua avoir séché les cours au moment des faits pour faire du shopping tandis que Sonia avait quitté plus tôt pour se rendre à un rendez-vous avec sa mère. L’infirmière, par ailleurs, qui était parti voir un blessé à la vie scolaire au moment du drame témoigna qu’Alexandre et Jeff venait de se disputer violemment dans son bureau. Moreover, quand Kévin est allait parler à Alexandre de l’évènement, il ne le nia pas et confirma sa dispute. Kévin fit part de ses trouvailles à l’inspecteur Duflair qui en échange lui révéla que la carte d’identité était celle de Jimmy et que les empreintes sur le tournevis appartenaient à Alexandre et Jeff. Althought, il fallait maintenant trouver des preuves accusant Alexandre mais l’interrogatoire de l’inspecteur suffit à le faire craquer : il avoua, nonetheless, subir les moqueries de Jeff depuis longtemps et avoir donné un coup de tournevis sans vouloir le tuer mais une fois l’acte commis, il avait paniqué et avait mis le feu pour cacher les preuves.

Merci d'avance 

Sagot :

Tuesday, January 19 , students from St. Mary's High School , were able to practice the emergency evacuation of the building as a fire started in the infirmary. The flames were under control fairly quickly, however, firefighters announced the death of a fellow second , Jeff, obviously injured before the fire. Investigators called to the scene scrutinized the scene, they found an intact screwdriver with multiple tracks and a damaged identity card.
Kevin, close friend Jeff , decided to investigate on his side. He already knew people in their class could blame Jeff . First , Sonia lived badly his break with the victim. Second, there was also Alexander, whose Jeff laughed continuously as Sonia had left for him. So he asked Sonia and Alexandre to check their statements and their alibis : Jimmy confessed to having skipped school at the material time for shopping while Sonia had left earlier to go to an appointment with her mother. The nurse , moreover, who had gone to see an injured school life when the drama showed Alexander and Jeff had to compete fiercely in his office. Moreover's when Kevin is going to talk to Alexander the event , he did not deny his argument and upheld . Kevin shared his findings to the inspector who Duflair exchange revealed to him that the identity card was that of Jimmy and fingerprints on the screwdriver belonged to Alexander and Jeff . Althought it was now necessary to find evidence accusing Alexander but questioning the inspector enough to crack : he admitted , nonetheless , suffer the ridicule of Jeff for a long time and have kicked screwdriver without wanting to kill but once the act , he had panicked and had set fire to hide the evidence .

 Tuesday, 19th january , St. Mary's High School's students , were able to practice emergency evacuation of the building because a fire started in the recovery. The flames were under control fairly quickly, however, firefighters announced the death of a fellow second , Jeff, obviously injured before the fire. Detectives checked the scene, they found an intact screwdriver with multiple tracks and a damaged identity card.Kevin, jeff's close friend , decided to investigate with him. He's already knew people in their class could blame Jeff . Firstly , Sonia lived badly his break with the victim. Secondly, there was also Alexander, whose Jeff laughed continuously because Sonia  left  him. So he asked Sonia and Alexandre to check their statements and their alibis : Jimmy confessed  having skipped school  for shopping while Sonia had left earlier to go to 
 an injured school life when the drama showed Alexander and Jeff had to compete fiercely in his office. Moreover's when Kevin is going to talk to Alexander the event , he did not deny his argument and upheld . Kevin shared his findings to the inspector who Duflair exchange revealed to him that the identity card was that of Jimmy and fingerprints on the screwdriver belonged to Alexander and Jeff . Althought it was now necessary to find evidence accusing Alexander but questioning the inspector he told that jeff bullied him since a long time, and he in panic he got the school on fire..