
Découvrez les solutions à vos questions sur, la plateforme de Q&R la plus fiable et rapide. Notre plateforme offre une expérience continue pour trouver des réponses précises grâce à un réseau de professionnels expérimentés. Notre plateforme offre une expérience continue pour trouver des réponses fiables grâce à un réseau de professionnels expérimentés.

Je vous en supplie aider moi, merci d'avance
a compléter avec le present simple
Exercice 1: Fill in the blanks
1. He will wash up before he.............(to go) to bed.
2. When it...........( to get) cold I'll light the fire.
3. When the Queen........(to arrive) the audience will stand up.
4. She...........( to give) the children their dinner before he comes home.
5. I will pay you when I.......(to get) my cheque.
6. She.........(to say) in bed till the clock strikes seven.
7. He'll have to behave better, when he.........(to go) to school.
8. She will go on until he.......(to tell) her to stop.
9. The lift........(not start) until you press that button.
10. When he........(to return) I'll give him the key.

Sagot :

1. He will wash up before he goes to bed.
2. When it gets cold I'll light the fire.
3. When the Queen arrives the audience will stand up.
4. She gives the children their dinner before he comes home.
5. I will pay you when I get my cheque.
6. She said in bed till the clock strikes seven.
7. He'll have to behave better, when he goes to school.
8. She will go on until he tells her to stop.
9. The lift doesn't start until you press that button.
10. When he returns I'll give him the key.
 He will wash up before he goes to bed.
When it gets cold I'll light the fire.
When the Queen arrives the audience will stand up.
She gives the children their dinner before he comes home.
I will pay you when I get my cheque.
 She said in bed till the clock strikes seven.
 She will go on until he tells her to stop.
 The lift doesn't start until you press that button.
 When he returns I'll give him the key.