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Salut tout le monde ! Voici ce que j'ai écrit pour mon devoir d'anglais ( "créer un texte racontant une excursion dans la nature, a la maniere du texte étudié en classe") et je voudrais savoir si cela ne vous dérengeriez pas de corriger les erreurs ?! 

Merci !! :)


          29 November 2013


          It was a rainy day, not amazing for November ! But my desire to go for a walk in             woods had no change for that. My mother said that it was too much cold, but for           me, it was the ideal temperature.

          I put my yellow anorak, and my favorite rainy boots and I left accompanied only             with a backpack containing my favorite chocolate bars !


          On the road, I saw some squirrels, birds and lizards but nothing very                                fascinating …

          When I entered in the forest, I heard a flash of lightning. A drizzle fall on my                    shoulders.

           I continued to walked when I saw the leaves of bushes to move. Just later , a               sound of heavy footsteps was listened. Maybe it was the storm ?

          Steps moved closer more and more until I found me in front of a wild boar. I did           not know what to do. Panicked, I left my bag. I run away. After some meters of              running, I saw that this animal had torn my bag and it was eating my chocolate            bars.


          I will never come back in woods with food …


Sagot :

- 29 November 2013         
 It was a rainy day, not amazing for November! But my desire to go for a walk in woods had no change for that. My mother said that it was too cold, but for me, it was the ideal temperature.

I put my yellow anorak, and my favorite rainy boots and I left accompanied only with a backpack containing my favorite chocolate bars ! 
On the road, I saw some squirrels, birds and lizards, but nothing very                       fascinating …

When I entered in the forest, I heard a flash of lightning. A drizzle fall on my               shoulders.I continued to walk when I saw the leaves of bushes to move. Just later , a sound of heavy footsteps was listened. Maybe it was the storm ?         
Steps moved closer more and more until I found me in front of a wild boar. I did not know what to do. Panicked, I left my bag. I run away. After some meters of running, I saw that this animal had torn my bag and it was eating my chocolate bars.
 I will never come back in woods with food … 
le d dans change parce que c'est un participe passé
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