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Bonjours, voici des exos d'anglais, j'en ai réussi certains, j'ai comme aime tout écrit pour vérifier si cela était juste ou pas. 

1. Put the verb in the correct tense and from.

a) "When (Alex/to visit) Sydney" ?
     "This summer because he went to australia." 

b) "What (you/to study) next year?"
     "Biology, physics and history."

c) "At the moment, they (to have) a great time at the swimming pool".

d) "My sister (just/to buy) the last volume of Harry-Potter over the net. She's a great fan."

e) "Jane (to text) her friends for half an hour every day."

f) "Chris (to watch) TV when his parents came back at 3 a.m."

g) " If I didn't do well at school, I (not to be allowed) to hang out with my friends."

2. A student wrote this paragraph. He made 7 grammar mistakes. Underline them and write the correct from.

--> My coach, which is called Ray Atburn, is a man very strict. He always say : " You don't listen me. I want that you change. You must do like the others athletes for become a champion." 

VOILA, tout est la, j'attend votre aide. 

Sagot :

1)a) When did Alex visited Sydney ?

b) What will you study next year?

c) At the moment, they are having a great time at the swimming pool

d) My sister just bought the last volume of Harry-Potter over the net. She's a great fan.

e) Jane texts her friends for half an hour every day

f) Chris watched TV when his parents came back at 3 a.m

g) If I didn't do well at school, I will not be allowed to hang out with my friends. (ou bien: i wont be allowed, à toi de choisir ;))

2) My coach, which is called Ray Atburn, is a man very strict. He always say : " You don't listen me. I want that you change. You must do like the others athletes for become a champion.


My coach, who is called Ray Atburn, is a very strict man. He always says : " You don't listen to me. I want you to change. You must do like the others athletes to become a champion.

Voilà :)
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