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Hello mes kikis! Voilà mon probleme. Je viens de cfaire un exposé et j'aimerais que vous corrigiez la moindre faute. : Nowadays,teenagers have got a heavy schoolbag! Many people suffer from probleme at the back. In the mornig, students are tired of carrying heavy bags. Often, they must be operated in the hospital because of their schoolbag all this is very espensive! But we can  change this. 

-Doctor,i have big probleme of back.
-i understand. So,they are very teenagers that as you. It would reduce the number of notebooks. (je sais pas comment on dit rendre leger) rendre leger and kept lighter the books in the classeroom.
-Ok, docteur!
-If you need help, comein my office!
-Thank's doctor!>>

Il me faut aussi un slogans las dessus, donc si vous arrivez a m'en trouver 1 :P

Merci beaucoups! c;

Sagot :

Nowadays, teenagers have a heavy schoolbag! Many people suffer from back problems. Every morning, people are tired of carrying heavy bags. They often need to be operated on because of their schoolbag. All this is very expensive! But we can change this. 
tu veut dire quoi apres dit moi en francais stp :P