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Il me faut une correction d'une notion en vue de l'oral d'anglais du 27 mai ! Merci bien.

Autre notion !



Idea of Progress


The notion i'm going to deal with is “The idea of progress” .

First, you must define the idea of progress.

Progress is the action to go forward, to grow, to be better and the idea is a representation of something in the mind.

So the idea of progress means the representation of a possible evolution.


I selected three documents: The monarchy, Mahatma Gandhi and the dowry tradition


Firstly, The monarchy in the UK.

The British wonder whether to remove the British monarchy, britain should it form a republic?

The majority is around 70% for a monarchy in britain, the abrogation of the monarchy is therefore not valid for UK.


Therefore, the progress is not necessary and not wanted


Secondly, Mahatma Gandhi, born in 1869 and assassinated in 1948,

A man is being fought for the rights of men and especially the independence of India.

He organized boycott of British goods and protest marches against unpopular British measures, such as the salt tax. Gandhi was repeatdly imprisoned by the British and went on hunger strike to support his views.

He was assasinated in 1948 by a Hindu fanatic, two years later india became an independent republic.


Consequently it embodies the idea of progress with his life fighting for the independence of India and human rights


Thirdly, the dowry tradition in India.

In the dowry tradition, the family of the wife-to-be gives a “dwory”or gift to the future husband's family on marriage. What causes of suicide among women. Sometimes, the woman is killed by setting her on fire, which is known as “bride burning” and is disguised as an accident to avoid criminal charges and punishment.

The dowry tradition also explains why many parents do not want to have daughters.

The government has taken many steps to stop this practise but it is deeply rooted in Indian society.


Thus the Progress is urgent for India because traditions are bad for the families.


To conclude, the idea of progress is refuted, historic and important
Refuted : for for the repeal of the monarchy in britain.
Historic : for the Dalai Lama and the independence of India.
And important : for the repeal of the tradition dorwy

Sagot :

Corrections en souligné. 

First of all, I will begin by defining
 the idea of progress. Progress is the action to go forward, to grow, to develop toward an improved or more advanced condition. The idea is a representation of something in the mind. So the idea of progress means the representation of a possible evolution. I selected three documents: the Monarchy, Mahatma Gandhi and the dowry tradition 

Firstly, the Monarchy in the UK. The British wonder whether to remove the British monarchy, britain should it form a republic? A majority of people (70%) support the Monarchy. Hence, the abrogation of the monarchy is therefore not valid for UK. Therefore, the progress is not necessary and not wanted 

Secondly, Mahatma Gandhi, born in 1869 and assassinated in 1948. This man fought for the rights of Men and especially the independence of India. He organized boycott of British goods and protest marches against unpopular British measures, such as the salt tax. Gandhi was imprisoned several times by the British and went on hunger strike to support his views. He was murdered in 1948 by a Hindu fanatic, two years later India became an independent republic. Consequently, it embodies the idea of progress with his life fighting for the independence of India and human rights. 

Thirdly, the dowry tradition in India.In the dowry tradition, the wife-to-be's family gives a “dowry”or gift to the future husband's family on marriage. What causes of suicide among women. Sometimes, the woman is killed by setting her on fire, which is known as “bride burning” and is disguised as an accident to avoid criminal charges and punishment. The dowry tradition also explains why many parents do not want to have daughters.The government has taken action to stop this practice but it is deeply rooted in Indian society. Thus, the progress is urgent for India because traditions are bad for families. To conclude, the idea of progress is refuted, historic and important. 

Refuted : for the repeal of the monarchy in Britain.
Historic : for the Dalai Lama and the independence of India.
And important : for the repeal of the tradition dorwy