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J'ai vraiment besoin je n'arrive pas à traduire..

Voilà ce qu'il faut traduire :


Dans le deuxième paragraphe, elle répète trois fois "second class', elle dit que ce n'est pas du tout normal le fait que les noirs soient mis de côté et assimilés à la seconde classe ( maison de seconde classe, job de seconde classe...).

A la fin de sa chanson, elle s'adresse à ce M.Backlash en lui disant qu'il a tord d'agir de cette manière. Elle évoque un monde grand et lumineux et  le fait que cette ségrégation ne pourra plus durer longtemps puisque le monde est constitué de personne comme elle : noire, jaune,beige et marron. Elle termine sa chanson par "just wait and see", on peut comprendre qu'elle veut parler d'un changement, d'un nouveau monde.


Gros merci à ceux m'aideront j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide !! :)

Sagot :

In the second paragraph, she repeats three times " the second class ". She says that it is normal not at all the fact that the blacks are put aside and likened to the second class (second-class house, second-class job). At the end of her song. She addresses this M.Backlash by saying to him that he has twists to act in this way. She evokes a big and bright world and the fact that this segregation cannot last any more for a long time because the world is constituted by nobody as her: black, yellow, beige and brown. She ends her song with " just wait and see ", we can understand that she wants to speak about a change, about a New World.


Voili Voiloou :)

Let me introduce a song entitled BACKLASH BLUES and this song was actually sung by the famous Africa-American singer, Nina Simone. Nina Simone is a famous jazz and soul singer of the fifties and sixties and she is known for her successful song “Feeling Good”. Nina Simone’s interest in music started at an early age.  Born into a black family, she had been a victim of racism and segregation in the United States.

In 1964, Nina Simone became involved in politics and would defend civil rights. Namely in 1965 she participated in 1965 in the historic Selma-to-Montgomery March in Alabama: Three protest marches that marked civil rights battles in the USA.


Through some of her songs, she addressed racial inequality that was widespread at the time. The Backlash Blues that came out in 1966, is one of the songs that Nina Simone declared as civil rights’ hymn. The lyrics were written by the famous poet, Langston Hughes.  In this song, she intends for a so-called Mr Backlash.  It is understood that she is addressing a message to the American Government.  She refers to the fact that the Government perceived the black population as being lower, while Black people settle as well taxes, and they even defend their country when they go to the Vietnam War.


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